Stakeholders & Partners

Kent County Council plays a major role in the development and operation of the Fastrack Network because of its status as the local transport authority for the area. However, this work is aided by our external partners and Kent’s borough and district councils who play a major role in the development of the network as they can provide key information which helps KCC to plan and execute both new and existing Fastrack routes. KCC also draws on the expertise of the private sector to achieve this goal. This expertise can range from design works, construction, assistance with public consultations, maintenance and monitoring the network, and providing transport models to assess the areas which require a Fastrack route. Fastrack is also supported by several central government bodies such as the Department for Transport and the Ministry for Housing, Communities, and local government.

Kent County Council is keen to ensure that these relationships are maintained through the project’s lifetime. This is done through the various advisory and working groups which can communicate key changes and milestones for the project.

A full list of the Fastrack Stakeholders can be found below, these include links to their respective webpages if you want to browse them;