Bath Street – Gravesend

The Bath Street scheme has implemented a key Fastrack link between the Northfleet Embankment East development area and Gravesend Town Centre.  This will help deliver a high quality, rapid, sustainable transport system which encourages the uptake of public transport. The purpose of the scheme is to improve journey times for Fastrack passengers and facilitate direct links between new developments including Clifton Slipways and Northfleet Embankment.

The improvements make use of an under-utilised hatch road space, widening the existing carriageway to incorporate a contraflow bus lane in addition to the current southbound taxi waiting area. The constructed bus lane links West Street to the north and the Bus Hub on Garrick Street to the south via New Road. Both the existing Northbound traffic lanes, plus the existing southbound taxi lane remain, with only minor changes to the kerb alignment.

The taxi lane and bus lane merge on the approach to the junction of Bath Street and New Road to ensure the safe turning of buses onto New Road. A new call forward system has been implemented to inform taxis of when they are able to move onto the existing New Road taxi rank.

The scheme has also upgraded existing crossings to improve accessibility for both pedestrians and cyclists. This has included repositioning the existing pedestrian crossing at the New Road junction closer to the desire line for pedestrians walking towards the town centre.

The scheme was completed in early September 2024 with the bus lane open for use since July. An opening ceremony was attended by members of the KCC project team, the designated contractor, Local Stakeholders and Kent Elected Members. If you wish to read more about the opening of the project, please follow this link to the KCC page: Bath Street Opening